Author photo ©Mark Washburn
K. Heidi Fishman
K. HEIDI FISHMAN, M.A., Ed.D., author of Tutti’s Promise, is a board member of the Vermont Holocaust Memorial and a current member and a former co-chair of the International Committee of the Ładoś Group. The Ładoś Group consisted of Polish diplomats and Jewish leaders in Switzerland who helped save several hundred Jews from the Holocaust by providing them with falsified Latin American, mostly Paraguayan, passports, of which Tutti’s family was a recipient. Dr. Fishman is also an international speaker who combines her expertise as a psychologist with the lessons learned as the daughter and granddaughter of Holocaust survivors to speak to audiences about bigotry and prejudice. To tell her mother’s family’s story of survival, Dr. Fishman undertook a five-year worldwide journey to conduct research in the archives and museums of Israel, America, and Europe, such as Yad Vashem, USHMM, and NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies; interview historians, archivists, survivors, rescuers, and families of victims and rescuers; and retrace the steps of her mother’s family in Amsterdam, Westerbork, and Terezín.
When not traveling around the country to tell her mother’s story, Heidi, a mother of four, resides in Vermont with her husband Dave and an aging border terrier. You can find Heidi on Facebook, at, and occasionally in the kitchen trying to improve her challah recipe. Her website is a wonderful resource for teachers and students.