Kay Kantor Pomerantz and her daughters, Hazzans (Cantors) Alisa Pomerantz-Boro (left) and Raquel Pomerantz Gershon (right).
Image enhancement ©Joshua Boro
Kay Kantor Pomerantz
Kay Kantor Pomerantz, the mother of four—Joey, Ari, Hazzan (Cantor) Alisa Pomerantz-Boro, and Hazzan (Cantor) Raquel Pomerantz Gershon—and grandmother of nine, is the author of three cookbooks, including Come for Cholent: The Jewish Stew Cookbook. She also enjoyed a distinguished career in education, serving as Executive Director of the Jewish Education Council in Seattle, Washington, and as Assistant Director of the Department of Education of the United Synagogue of America. Kay and her husband, Rabbi Moshe Pomerantz, reside in New York.